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Recent House Sales in İzmir

Posted by david on 21 August 2022
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Last month, 8 thousand 459 houses were sold in İzmir.
It was stated that 138 of these residences were sold to foreigners.

According to the data of the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), house sales in Turkey increased by 38.8 percent in April compared to the same month of the previous year and became 133 thousand 58. Istanbul had the highest share in house sales with 26,330 house sales and 19.8 percent. According to the number of sales, Istanbul was followed by Ankara with 12 thousand 195 house sales and 9.2 percent share, and Izmir with 8 thousand 459 sales and 6.4 percent share. The provinces with the lowest number of house sales were Ardahan and Hakkari with 25 houses each, and Bayburt with 47 houses, respectively. According to the announced data, 8 thousand 459 houses were sold in Izmir in April. Thus, the number of houses sold in the first 4 months of the year reached 27 thousand 551. It was stated that there was an increase in house sales in Izmir compared to the previous months.


Housing sales to foreigners increased by 58.1% in April compared to the same month of the previous year and became 6 thousand 447. In April, the share of house sales to foreigners in total house sales was 4.8 percent. Istanbul took the first place in house sales to foreigners with the sale of 2 thousand 564 houses. Antalya was followed by Antalya with 1,970 house sales, and Ankara with 333 house sales, respectively. Housing sales to foreigners increased by 48.9 percent in the January-April period compared to the same period of the previous year and amounted to 20 thousand 791. According to the nationality of the country, the most house sales were made to the citizens of the Russian Federation. In April, citizens of the Russian Federation bought 1,152 houses from Turkey. Citizens of the Russian Federation were followed by Iran with 905 residences and Iraqi citizens with 714 residences, respectively. The number of residences sold to foreigners in İzmir last month was 138. With this figure, it was announced that the number of houses sold in İzmir since the beginning of the year is 512. (DHA)

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