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17 Effective Tips to Overcome Homesickness After Moving to Turkey

Posted by BlogEditor on 2 October 2024
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How to Cope with Homesickness When Moving to Turkey

Moving to Turkey is an exciting journey, but it comes with challenges like homesickness. Adjusting to a new culture, language, and environment can be overwhelming, but with the right strategies, you can overcome these feelings and make Turkey feel like home. Let’s explore 17 practical tips to help you through this transition.

1. Identify the Root Cause

Homesickness isn’t always about missing home itself; it’s about craving familiarity, connection, and security. Understanding what’s behind your homesickness can help you find better ways to cope with it.

2. Surround Yourself with Familiar Things

Bringing along personal items, such as photos or souvenirs from home, can help you feel grounded. While it’s comforting to have things from your past, also embrace new items from Turkey to build connections to your new home.

3. Continue Your Old Routines

Doing activities that remind you of home, such as hobbies or enjoying your favorite foods, can provide comfort. Introduce these routines into your new life and even invite Turkish friends to join, blending the old with the new.

4. Talk About Your Feelings

It’s a myth that talking about homesickness makes it worse. Reach out to friends, family, or even fellow expats in Turkey to express your emotions. Sharing how you feel can provide relief and a sense of connection.

5. Keep a Diary

Writing your thoughts in a diary can help you reflect and process the emotions of moving. Focus on the positives in your new environment, but don’t shy away from documenting the challenges too—it’s a healthy way to track your progress.

6. Exercise Regularly

Physical activity helps release endorphins, which boost your mood. Whether it’s walking through local markets or joining a gym, staying active can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and feelings of isolation.

7. Stay in Touch with Loved Ones—But Limit It

Keeping in touch with family and friends is essential, but over-communicating can prevent you from settling into your new surroundings. Create a balance by setting specific times to chat, so you don’t miss out on new experiences in Turkey.

8. Limit Social Media

Seeing friends and family back home enjoying their lives can fuel your homesickness. Limit your time on social media to avoid comparing your experiences and to focus on embracing your new journey.

9. Eat Healthy

Unhealthy eating can worsen negative emotions. Turkey offers a wealth of fresh, wholesome food. Visit local markets to enjoy the delicious produce and explore the country’s diverse culinary culture.

10. Find Fellow Expats

While making local friends is important, having one or two expats from your home country to share your experiences can be comforting. However, avoid isolating yourself with only people from home—maintain a balance.

11. Get Involved in Your Community

Joining a club, volunteering, or participating in local events is one of the best ways to combat homesickness. It will help you meet new people, stay active, and develop a sense of belonging in Turkey.

12. Learn the Language

Learning Turkish can greatly enhance your experience. Even knowing a few basic phrases will help you feel more connected to the local culture and make everyday interactions smoother.

13. Give It Time

Adjusting to a new country takes time. Be patient with yourself and understand that it’s normal to feel out of place initially. With time, you’ll begin to feel more comfortable and at home.

14. Make a Bucket List

Explore Turkey by creating a bucket list of local attractions, cultural activities, and restaurants you want to try. Setting goals for discovery will keep you excited about new experiences and help you stay focused on your adventure.

15. Establish a Routine

Structure can help ease feelings of disorientation. Even if you don’t have a job, create a daily schedule that includes exploring, meeting people, or engaging in activities that give you purpose.

16. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Challenge yourself to do something that scares you every day, whether it’s trying a new activity or meeting new people. Facing your fears helps you gain control over them and feel more confident in your new environment.

17. Enjoy Small Comforts from Home

It’s okay to indulge in things that remind you of home. Whether it’s visiting an expat bar or buying familiar foods, small comforts can help ease the transition and give you a taste of your former life.


Moving to a new country like Turkey can be challenging, but by following these tips, you can overcome homesickness and begin to thrive in your new surroundings. Be patient with yourself, embrace new experiences, and remember that over time, Turkey will start to feel like home.

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